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We invite you to fill out the feminist park survey!
Welcome to the research project aiming to conceptualise and create the first [Intersectional] Feminist Park in Berlin.
Using this survey we want to center voices of people that identify as FLINTA*, people with experience of migration, people from the BIPoC and queer community.
If you are based in Berlin and identify with any of the listed communities, please feel free to share with us your testimonies and vision how do you imagine a Feminist Park.
White woman, 27 years old
“Men playing their boombox loudly right next to the entrance at the park. This makes me want to leave, or not even enter,
every time"
Woman of color, 30 years old
"Surveillance, especially police surveillance makes me and many people feel unsafe"
LatinX cis-Woman, 30 years old
"But that is something really important for me to have a safe space, to feel that I'm just a person, equal to everyone. I hate to feel that men are looking at me just because I have a woman's body, it really drives me crazy"
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